★ The Reference and General Libraries are under the charge of a Librarian. If any book is lost or damaged, the borrower would be required to replace the book with fine or pay such compensation as may be fixed by the Principal.
★ The marking of books with ink or pencil, spoiling or damages, underlining of pages, writing of remarks etc. on the pages of books or tearing of pages etc. are punishable and fine will be charged.
★ Books or magazines will be given to the students on requisition. For reading in the library during the library period and must be returned before leaving the library.
★ Reference books are available for students of class VI to XI. An Identity Card will be issued to students on submitting a passport size photograph.
★ Requisition for reference books should be made on the library slip. Neatly filled library slip should be given to the librarian along with the I-Card.
★ Only one book or magazine will be issued at a time. On returning the book or magazine the Identity Card will be given back.